Sunday Liturgy Commentary
The 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 11 June 2023.
Lectionary Readings: Hos. 6:3-6; Ps. 49:1.8.12-15; Rom. 4:18-25; Matt. 9:9-13.
Theme: Love without limits.

We begin the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time with the prophecy of Hosea that says, “Let us seek to know the Lord, his coming is sure as the dawn”. We must remember that Hosea exercised his prophetic ministry in the northern kingdom (Israel), from 750 BC, in a very troubled time. In political terms, it is a phase marked by violence, insecurity, and bloodshed and in religious terms we see Israel being influenced by neighboring religions. The Prophet invites us to know the Lord, and to walk in the path of the Law because his arrival is near and certain.

In the second reading, the Apostle Paul tells us about hope and faith. The faith of Father Abraham who,“without wavering in faith”, believed in God’s promise: Salvation! God offers everyone, freely, the same salvation and makes everyone, equally, his children. It is through Christ that this salvation is offered to all. Fulfillment of the Law alone does not save, for salvation is a gift from God. It remains for men and women to accept this gift in faith.That’s why Paul mentions the patriarch Abraham, because he became a fundamental reference for everyone – Jews and non-Jews – not because he performed great works or because he fulfilled the Law impeccably: Abraham became a model for all to be the “man of faith”.

In the Gospel we see the “vocation of Matheus”, the difference between Matheus and the other apostles is that he was a “tax collector” and therefore was frowned upon by local society. Jesus, however, intends to demonstrate that, in the Kingdom of God, there is room for everyone, even for those that the world considers disqualified and marginal.

Do we remember when we judged, offended, and mistreated people considered marginalized today? Or do we remember that God has a proposal of salvation to present to all men and women, without exception?

I believe that today’s message shows us that faith is the first step in following what Jesus teaches us. But we must not stop at faith, it must lead us to see in the other the plan of salvation, the love of God.

May we remember on this 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time that everyone is called to be part of the “Kingdom” community: God does not exclude or discriminate against anyone. So why do we do it?

For Reflection and Discussion: 1. The Word of God proposed here also suggests that in the community of the “Kingdom” there are no first-class Christians and second-class Christians (according to whether they comply with the laws and rules). There are people whom God calls and who respond or not to his invitation. How have I experienced this relationship in my community? 

Bibliography: McKenzie, J.L. Dictionary of the Bible (New York: 1965)

This week’s Sunday Liturgy Commentary was prepared by
Nayon Nigel Cezar, NDS.
 Israel, ISPS- Ratisbonne Contributor


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