20th January 1842-2025

“In Sion Firmata Sum”

-Sir 24:10

January 20, 1842, Santo Andre delle Fratte – Rome, date of foundation of the Sion family

“…In Mary’s presence, although she did not utter a word, I understood all!”
-Fr. Alphonse Marie Ratisbonne, NDS

As I walked through the church, I came close to the preparations for the burial and felt a sudden agitation and found myself enveloped by a veil, the church seemed to darken except for a single chapel where all the light seemed to be concentrated. Looking into this chapel so luminous, I saw standing on the altar, alive, large, majestic, all beautiful and merciful, the Blessed Virgin Mary, as she is represented in the miraculous medal of the Immaculate Conception.

“When I saw this, I fell to my knees where I was; I tried several times to raise my eyes to the Blessed Virgin, but her brightness and respect made me lower them, without preventing me from feeling the evidence of the apparition. I fixed my eyes on her hands and saw in them the expression of forgiveness and mercy. In the presence of the Blessed Virgin, although she said nothing to me, I understood everything”.

The family of Religious of Our Lady of Sion has in its history some dates related to its first steps in existence. Normally an officialization document indicates stages of a path already taken. It is not the act of making something official that gives life to something, on the contrary, it confirms in Iuris the facto of existence. (My reflection refers only to the data concerning the Brothers of Sion.).

On December 14, 1852 we have a Letter of Laudation from the Mayor to the Congregation for the Propaganda of the Faith, signed by Cardinal Fransoni where Rome confirms an already existing activity and encourages its continuation. At this stage, he is not referring to an abstract project, but rather an activity of the so-called Fathers of Sion, around the spirit of Father Théodore and Father Marie Alphonse, which was based on the experience lived by Alphonse on January 20 of 1842, which was understood as a call from God for the two brothers.

In the same year of 1852, Father Marie Alphonse left the Jesuits to join forces with his brother in the Sion project. Alphonse will not be a vagabond, that is, a cleric with no ecclesiastical connection. He leaves the Jesuits with the necessary permissions, from the Superior General of the Jesuits as well as from the then Pope Pius IX. Therefore, we must see this Letter of Laudation (1852) directly linked with the unification of the two brothers due to Sion’s work and in the same way confirms a certain ecclesiastical reality of the brothers to which they both belong.

20th January 1842-2025

On June 21, 1855, we have a supplementary letter of approval from the Society of Missionaries of Our Lady of Sion, given by the Archbishop of Paris. Once again, this letter formalises an existing practice, but does not establish anything. The foundation actually predates the official documents. Proof of this is the community already formed by the two brothers, Théodore and Alphonse. Even though we can already identify an officialization of the sisters in previous years, the two brothers are not considered sisters and in fact, with other Fathers, they already constituted a shared religious life and which will later be confirmed, officially, according to the criteria of the Church.

And finally, on January 10, 1893, we have the approval of the Institute’s constitutive rules by the Archbishop of Paris. This approval only confirms the previous approval of 1855 and once again this date does not mean foundation.

I think that we, Brothers of Sion, should drink a little more from the original sources (first-hand writings) so that we can feel our first moment together with our founders. Texts abound between both brothers about how they understood and conveyed the initial moment, without which nothing has meaning, everything depends on it and that is precisely where we are founded.

“In Sion Firmata Sum”
-Sir 24:10

In fact, the two brothers always celebrated January 20th as the date of the founding of the Congregation. For Théodore, January 20th was the moment of reorientation of his ministry. It was from that date on that he left his diocesan priestly vision and began to guide his ministerial activity from the universal perspective of his vocation. We know that Alphonse’s experience of God through Marie provoked deep reflection in Théodore, he understood that God was including him in this calling. That’s why the 20th of January is not a private event for Alphonse, Théodore was involved in it with equal importance and, in some ways, even more so. Everything for Théodore took on meaning from this manifestation: God called him again, as a call within a call, from that moment on all his activity will be guided together and from his brother. Nothing was done or founded without the participation of both of them and always enlightened by the 20th of January.

The opening of a house, the constitution of the Catechumenate, the purchase of the first properties, the place to be established, even the uniform of the first young women who arrived in Sion, was by common agreement between the two brothers and to a large extent it was the initiative or fruit of Alphonse’s insistence that Théodore understood it as the will of God that was manifested through Alphonse and that one could not prevent these projects or ideas of Alphonse from coming to light.

I present some reflections from our founders where we learn that the founding act was January 20th and that both were involved in the same Sion project. However, if on the one hand it was Alphonse who had the experience of January 20th, on the other Théodore understood that God’s manifestation to Alphonse was also a sign for him. On several occasions Théodore did not understand Alphonse’s ideas and projects (as is the case with our presence in the Holy Land at that time), but he did not oppose, as he was sure that it was God’s will that was manifested in him.

On the occasion of Sr. Alphonsine’s death in 1882, Father Théodore gave a long reflection on her life and explained how she arrived at Sion. And in his reflection, Théodore informs us that the first steps were Alphonse’s suggestion, incomprehensible to him at first, but taken seriously because it was a sign from God:

  “She (Sr. Alphonsine) was a sign that I had asked the Blessed Virgin to be able to discern God’s will in relation to this Foundation. Father Marie wrote to me from Rome in 1842, immediately after his conversion, so that I could commit myself to establish a Catechumenate for young Israelites. Upon reading his letter, I turned, confused, to the Blessed Virgin and said to her: “If it is the Lady, O Mary, who revealed this thought to my brother, let me know the will of God through a sign so that I can understand… Later on the same day, the parents of a child arrived asking me to take over her formation… That child was Sr. Alphonsine… “

This reflection by Théodore teaches us about an attitude completely linked to January 20th. Alphonse was still in Rome a few days after his Baptism (January 31). And we have already learned that there is an intrinsic relationship between the two brothers and a deep interaction in Sion’s projects.

Still in the same year (August 1842), Alphonse is already determining, with Théodore, the functional structure of Sion’s life. It is important to remember that at this moment Alphonse is just entering his training with the Jesuits. Once again, the ideas come from Alphonse and even the guidance of how and when is for Théodore the voice of God speaking through Alphonse and Alphonse in turn does not feel like the first, but a servant of God seeking to be faithful to His voice:

“… I think, my dear Théodore, that the inauguration of the chapel should take place in the month of Mary. We will have time to finish all things correctly, and if the Archbishop of Paris would deign to preside over this ceremony, he would, at the same time, give Confirmation to the Catechumens who would receive Baptism and be admitted to the Sacraments… I think I have already told you about my intention to make paintings of Saint Ignatius and Saint Bernard for the Chapel… Would you be kind enough to send me the measurements of the photos…

After a few moments of reflection before God, I said to myself: “Would we make a mistake buying a house for two girls who have just introduced themselves? … Is it wise to improvise in such a hurry such a serious work that requires maturity, that must be developed with great care?

… I then asked myself if it would be prudent to involve myself in new expenses at this moment, the amount of which I cannot predict, without knowing what exactly what is being done now will cost me. I thought to myself whether it would be appropriate to withdraw the sum of money I have at my uncle’s house (bank), in a sudden and inexplicable way; Our family has the most affectionate relationship with me… These are my good brother, the reasons that lead me to commit to postponing the purchase of a house…

This is what I propose on my part: the first catechumens who appear will be placed, according to their education, as deemed appropriate, either in the house of the Ladies of Saint Luís, or in the house of the Sisters of Charity, where I will pay a pension. .. The interest on my capital will be sufficient to initially pay all these pensions… When the number of Catechumens is considerable enough to be able to bring them together, it would be convenient to rent a small apartment or the small House attached to the new Chapel… Let’s let Maria do it…”

The text that follows was written by Théodore and confirms the evolution of Sion’s activities and at the same time the commitment of the two brothers to Sion’s work and the absolute harmony between them. It is worth remembering that it is 1844, Alphonse is in his Noviciate with the Jesuits and remains focused, close and convinced in the work of Sion:

“It turned out that I had dealt with a dishonest notary. I gave him the amount of 150 thousand francs that I had at my disposal, so that he could pay the seller of the house in cash. What was my surprise when I learned that the seller had not been paid. He demanded payment, which for me was the second time. He claimed the sum with interest. The unfaithful notary put it in his pocket, without leaving me even a written paper to acknowledge what he had received…

… My position in this case was absurd, because I had no receipt, nothing, and the judges in the case considered me as someone who had no idea what I had done. The height of my suffering was to see myself stripped of all my resources and therefore deprived of any means of providing for the many children I had adopted…

… Without knowing what decision to make, I was inspired to go and consult my brother, Father Marie, who at the time was in the Jesuit House in Laval. It was Christmas in the year 1844. I arrived in Laval dismayed and troubled to think how to reveal my misfortune to Father Marie, he who was interested at least as much as I was in the work of Our Lady of Sion. But his unflappable confidence was stronger than mine. I will never forget the calm and serenity with which he listened to my sad story.

… When I finished my story, he took me to the foot of the manger, and pointing to the straw on which the Baby Jesus was lying, he said to me: “Here is our treasure!” He seemed happier than ever, making me understand that the work of Sion is not based on financial resources, and that the Blessed Virgin herself who created and founded it will provide what is necessary, we must leave the present and the future in maternal hands.

These, therefore, are some texts from our founders that teach us how they founded and lived our beginnings. We are not authorised to celebrate any date other than January 20th as our foundation, but we are, yes, called upon to preserve and transmit all the steps we have taken and which are part of our rich history. Letter of Laudation (1852) from the Congregation for the Propaganda of the Faith and June 1855, given by the Archbishop of Paris are important dates that we only gain by knowing, above all by establishing the link with what precedes and what follows.

In 1854 Théodore confirms, among many times, our founding and initial moment without which nothing can be understood and all our celebrations, such as 1852 and 1855, must be celebrated and memorised within that foundation date which is January 20th of 1842: “Today is the anniversary of the founding of our Sion. It was on this day that the thought of Sion was brought to earth, not by angel, nor by an archangel, nor by the apostles, but by the Mother of God herself”.

 January 20th of 1842: “Today is the anniversary of the founding of our Sion. It was on this day that the thought of Sion was brought to earth, not by angel, nor by an archangel, nor by the apostles, but by the Mother of God herself”

In the same spirit Alphonse states: “January 20th was celebrated this year with touching pomp… How beautiful it is to see the day of Sion’s birth, already celebrated in the four corners of the world”.

Therefore, on January 20th, we are invited to reflect on the fact that this day highlights of God’s call to the Church through the two brothers, Alphonse and Théodore, to a particular mission in the Church for the world.

We are therefore not a community by chance or by the will of two brothers, but we are fruits of God’s plan. Like Alphonse and Théodore, we are called to understand the Jewish people, as it defines itself, yesterday and always, as the people who receive and bear the divine promises, as the people of Jesus, of the Apostles, of Mary and of the early Church, as the people who are the foundation of the essence of the life of the Christian faith. Thus, January 20th, 1842 is a reality willed by God that transcends time and remains a particular voice in the visible Church through the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion.


Br Elio Passeto, NDS
St. Pierre de Sion, Ratisbonne Monastery 1874



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